
If the South Won Gettysburg Book

6 in stock

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About this product

Many historical accounts have been written documenting the Battle of Gettysburg and the Civil War. In “If the South Won Gettysburg” author Mark Nesbitt makes a dramatic hypothetical examination of precisely that theory: What if the South won at Gettysburg as a result of a change in the South’s battle tactics ? What would have been the fate of this great nation?

If the South Won Gettysburg Book

About this product:

Many historical accounts have been written documenting the Battle of Gettysburg and the Civil War. In “If the South Won Gettysburg” author Mark Nesbitt makes a dramatic hypothetical examination of precisely that theory: What if the South won at Gettysburg as a result of a change in the South’s battle tactics ? What would have been the fate of this great nation?


6 in stock